RLC Residences recently recorded a new milestone for Le Pont Residences as the development received an EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) Advanced preliminary certification from the International Finance Corp. (IFC). The prestigious certification recognizes the developer's commitment to sustainable development and its leadership in creating a more resource efficient future.

EDGE is a green building standard and certification system that evaluates various developments across the globe. Operating under the World Bank's IFC, EDGE is an initiative that aims to empower developers to build sustainable properties through cost-effective yet environment-friendly means while delivering high-quality buildings.

Launched in January 2023, Le Pont Residences is RLC Residences' premium development. Apart from its prime features, the property is designed with various energy and water efficiency measures in place along with sustainability features future homeowners will soon enjoy.

Le Pont Residences is set to have its own rainwater harvesting system within the development, a sustainable feature that will collect and recycle rainwater for non-potable use such as watering of landscaped areas. Inside, common areas and even condo units will have water-efficiency fixtures installed, aiming to help conserve water usage within the development.

As for energy features, Le Pont Residences will have efficient lighting in both internal and external areas. Additionally, a well-shaded building facade, ample green landscaped areas and well-insulated roof and walls will be implemented to help minimize heat.

As for the parking areas, sensors will be installed to monitor levels of carbon monoxide that will aid in using the car park ventilation system.

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